Media Interview with Ishii was published in WIRED - Why think about "Mobility & Blockchain" now? The future seen from Blockchain EXE 09/19/2017 An interview with CEO Ishii was published in WIRED. He talks about the possible future of the world from the perspective of "Mobility & Blockchain". WIRED: Why think about "Mobility & Blockchain" now? The future seen from Blockchain EXE
Press Release Buffalo's big data analysis system development We developed and built a big data analysis system for Buffalo Inc. The...
Media "Monthly Convenience Store" published an article on the provision of Human-like AI "RACHEL" to FamilyMart. The February 2023 issue of "Monthly Convenience Store" featured an art...
Press Release Couger Receives Support from Ethereum Foundation to Revitalize Japan's Enterprise Blockchain Couger Inc (Headquartered in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Atsushi Ishii, CEO; he...
Media “DiGITSLIST” interview with Atsushi Ishii, CEO, reports on the "present" and "future" of digital transformation. The interview with Ishii spans Part 1 and Part 2. Ishii's thoughts on ...
News Why is Hospitality after AI? Couger CEO Ishii to Keynote at "Future Fit Conference" as Hotels, Events, and Other CX-Seeking Companies Headed to London Can AI Create Hospitality? On March 11, 2019, Couger's CEO, Ishii, gav...
News Participated in Blockchain EXE #12 "Synergistic Effects Created by Blockchain and AI/Machine Learning" Couger CEO Ishii and Lead Blockchain Engineer Ishiguro spoke at Blockc...
News [Great Success] Blockchain event held in New York City. ConsenSys, one of the world's largest blockchain companies, and Blockc...
Media "ITmedia Business ONLINE" and "Nikkei Electronic Edition" published an article about the demonstration experiment of Human-like AI assistant in Chofu, Tokyo, conducted in collaboration with Information Services Int'l -Dentsu, Ltd. The demonstration test of the Human-like AI Assistant Virtual Human Ag...