On December 9, 2022, a press conference for “RACHEL” was held at FamilyMart's headquarters and introduced in the following TV programs and news sites. “RACHEL” is scheduled to be introduced in 5,000 FamilyMart stores nationwide by the end of FY2023.
■ TV Tokyo "World Business Satellite"
Convenience stores and restaurants: "Reducing the burden of store managers" with IT
■ TBS TV "N-STA" *With video
FamilyMart: AI to support store manager operations to be introduced to approximately 5,000 stores by the end of FY2023
■ Fuji TV "FNN Live News α" *With video
FamilyMart: AI assistant for store manager tasks, support for ordering according to store needs, etc.
■ TV Asahi "ANN News" *With video
Human-like AI to Support Convenience Store Managers Provides Tailored Advice to Each Store
■ Nikkei Electronic Edition
FamilyMart to Provide Order Assistance AI to 5,000 Stores, Conversing with Owners
■ Nikkei Xtec
FamilyMart to Support Store Managers' Work with Human-like AI, to be Introduced in 5,000 Stores
■ Ryutsuu News
FamilyMart: Introducing "Store Manager Operations Support Virtual Human Agent" to 5,000 stores by the end of FY2023
■ Yorozoo News
FamilyMart Human-like AI Assistant Supports Store Managers: Hiroaki Watanabe "Foresees the Future of Retail and Food Service in Japan".