Media Interview with Ishii was published in WIRED - Why think about "Mobility & Blockchain" now? The future seen from Blockchain EXE 09/19/2017 An interview with CEO Ishii was published in WIRED. He talks about the possible future of the world from the perspective of "Mobility & Blockchain". WIRED: Why think about "Mobility & Blockchain" now? The future seen from Blockchain EXE
News AI Learning Simulator "Street" We are developing an "AI Learning Simulator," which enables AI (Artifi...
News Presented at ICCV2019 on our image recognition AI technology that won 3rd place in the world at the "OpenEDS Challenge" Devanathan Sabarinathan, AI Engineer at Couger, presented a paper he a...
Press Release Japan's First Blockchain "Smart Contract" Demonstration Experiment Using "Enterprise Ethereum" Begins Investigating Next-Generation Service Infrastructure Based on AI & IoT & Blockchain KDDI Corporation (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Koji Tanaka, Pre...
Press Release CEO Atsushi Ishii appointed Japan Branch Representative of the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (EEA) Couger Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Atsushi Ishii,...
News Couger Kazuaki Ishiguro Appointed Japan Chapter Representative of EEA, the World's Largest Alliance of Blockchain Companies What is EEA? EEA (Enterprise Ethereum Alliance) is an organization tha...
Media LUDENS SDK and Hiroshi Yamakawa's appointment as an advisor were featured in "ITmedia Business ONLINE" "Ludens SDK" was featured in ITmedia Business ONLINE. The article prov...
Media Couger's vision was featured on Evertale! Why is it necessary to develop "across'' advanced technologies? How do...
News Couger’s Ishiguro speaks as a representative of EEA Japan at ETHBKK 2020, the world's leading Ethereum conference On October 29, 2020, Couger’s Ishiguro spoke at ETHBKK 2020, a virtual...