Press Release NEDO Project Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Framework Development 05/01/2016 Couger has participated in the "Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Framework Research and Advanced Core Module Research and Development" being conducted by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) under the "Next Generation Robot Core Technology Development" project commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). We are developing a cloud database and recognition engine for robots.
News AI Learning Simulator "Street" We are developing an "AI Learning Simulator," which enables AI (Artifi...
News Report and video of the Human-like AI Assistant Demonstration Experiment in Chofu, Tokyo is now available. The Innovation Lab of Information Services International-Dentsu (ISID)...
News CEO Ishii presented "Virtual Human Agents that Turn the Real World into a Game" at Game Developers Meeting Vol. 44 Atsushi Ishii, CEO of Couger, took the stage at "GDM Vol. 44 Online Li...
News Couger Kazuaki Ishiguro speaks at "EthCC2020", the world's largest technical conference on Ethereum EthCC (The Ethereum Community Conference) is a conference where the Et...
Media Couger's vision of "LUDENS" was featured on TechCrunch Couger was featured in the technology media outlet TechCrunch on April...
News Presented at ICCV2019 on our image recognition AI technology that won 3rd place in the world at the "OpenEDS Challenge" Devanathan Sabarinathan, AI Engineer at Couger, presented a paper he a...
News Couger CEO Ishii appointed as Visiting Researcher at the University of Electro-Communications Utilizing Video Recognition Technology Developed at Couger Couger CEO ...
Press Release Autobacs Seven Group Begins Trial of Humanoid AI Assistant “RACHEL” for Customer Support Aligned with Customer Needs in Digital Lab Autobacs Digital Initiative Inc. (Note 1, hereinafter referred to as A...