Press Release Development of online real-time battle game "Another Fantasy Story" 02/18/2012 Server-side design and development for ”Another Fantasy Story”, an authentic fantasy RPG with real-time PVP battles.
Media Couger's Human-like AI Assistant SDK Introduced in Nihon Keizai Shimbun On December 26, 2019, the morning edition of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun ...
Media Couger's AI agent for the age of self-driving cars is featured in "NEXT MOBILITY," an automotive business magazine that captures the future. Couger's Virtual Human Agent was featured in the December 1, 2018 issu...
Media "Monthly Convenience Store" published an article on the provision of Human-like AI "RACHEL" to FamilyMart. The February 2023 issue of "Monthly Convenience Store" featured an art...
News CEO Ishii will be speaking at TOA World Tour Tokyo Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018Organizers: Tech Open GmbH, Infobahn In...
News AI Learning Simulator "Street" We are developing an "AI Learning Simulator," which enables AI (Artifi...
Media Couger featured in the “Nikkei Business”edition from April 25 Couger was introduced in the April 25th edition of "Nikkei Business" i...
Media Article on Couger appeared in the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun newspaper and in the Nikkei electronic edition. An article about Couger was published in the May 25, 2018 Nikkei Sangy...