Couger CEO Ishii and Lead Blockchain Engineer Ishiguro spoke at Blockchain EXE on June 15, 2018 at LINE. Over 120 people attended the event and the atmosphere was enthusiastic from start to finish, including the social gathering.
"AI and the Machine Internet"| Ishii

Ishii explained the changes in the Internet due to IoT and AI and the importance of blockchain in this context. He also explained the significance of the technological developments that Couger is pursuing.
"Blockchain Application on AI Learning History"| Ishiguro

Referring to the challenges and possibilities of AI and blockchain with the trends of the times, he explained how blockchain works, showing a simple demonstration of blockchain that is being developed at Couger.
"Discussion: Synergy created by blockchain and AI/machine learning"

A discussion was held among the five speakers; Mr. Matsumoto, CTO of Gunosy, Mr. Shigetani from KDDI, Mr. Jim from ConsenSys, Ishii and Ishiguro.
Each had a different perspective on how to handle data associated with machine learning and the use of blockchain, making for a very lively discussion.