Media Couger was featured in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun 04/16/2018 Published in Nihon Keizai Shimbun on April 16, 2018 Couger is featured as a startup company in the new realm of blockchain.
Media Couger's vision of "LUDENS" was featured on TechCrunch Couger was featured in the technology media outlet TechCrunch on April...
Media TechCrunch published an article about our winning 2nd place in the world in the IEEE's AI competition TechCrunch published an article about Couger's AI team winning second ...
News ImageMagick Reverse Command Reference The first Japanese-language manual on ImageMagick written by Couger Is...
News [Great Success] Blockchain event held in New York City. ConsenSys, one of the world's largest blockchain companies, and Blockc...
Media "GeneFlow," which Couger is developing, was featured in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper. On June 25, 2018, GeneFlow, a system Couger is developing to store AI ...
Press Release Design consulting for AI-based KDDI next generation personalization system We provided technical consulting on KDDI's next-generation personaliza...
News Virtual Human Agent was exhibited at "Interop Tokyo," one of the largest ICT events in Japan. Couger's Virtual Human Agent was exhibited at Interop Tokyo, one of th...