Development of Virtual Human, RACHEL
We collaborated with Ocean Protocol on a global Hackathon using the SDK that we are developing as part of the “LUDENS” marketplace. It was a great opportunity to see the reaction of the Ocean Protocol engineering team through this Hackathon.
The theme of the Hackathon was how to integrate the real world with the virtual world. The team's mission was to maximize the value of the Virtual Human Agent (RACHEL) and how to bring out the best of the data marketplace using the blockchain that Ocean Protocol is developing.

To begin, the “LUDENS” team and Ocean Protocol Hackathon had a common goal: to create a curated marketplace that would be the "best service" for customers. We then decided that the “LUDENS” team would be responsible for improving the functionality of RACHEL, while Ocean Protocol would be responsible for creating a smart contract that would work with RACHEL.
Since this was the first time that RACHEL had been officially developed in an open-source fashion, the operations for the international development teams were a challenging opportunity, specifically object detection, voice recognition, pause detection, and multi-language support.
Although it was only two days, it was very educational and will be useful to RACHEL's future development, including the creation of various Virtual Humans by “LUDENS” and Ocean Protocol, and the construction of TCRs using them for metadata.
For inquiries about introducing Human-like AI "Virtual Human Agent": Contact Form
Details of Human-like AI "Virtual Human Agent": Human-like AI Assistant “LUDENS”
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